School Information

(Pусский: Информация об учебно-воспитательных учреждениях)  



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Create an application that will gather, distribute and publicize information about local primary and secondary schools. Examples of such information may be available spaces for students in schools and education related resources for parents. This site could be useful in both the United States and Russia in assisting parents make informed decisions for their children's education and to be aware of, influence and bolster their educational system.



A parent wishes to enroll their daughter or son in kindergarden but does not know: 1 - where spaces for potential enrollment currently exist 2-

what information is available about the school such as size of school and each class, student to teacher ratio, historical average test scores and historical average expenditure per student 3- comparison of school statistics in context of demographic data and similarly cohorts.


Use Case/User Story/Scenario

A parent could enter a geographic location or address and determine which schools within a designated distance have potential openings for their child's enrollment in the upcoming academic year. In addition, the parent could easily create and view a chart which displays comparisons of average school size, individual class size, student to teacher ratios, historical average test scores, historical average expenditure per student, facilities available (music, theatre, athletic, library, etc.) and parent feedback. These comparisons could then be stratified based on cohort demographics in order to enhance understanding of data context. Data sources could be a complement of  both 'formal' data (such as from government and non-governmental agencies/NGOs) and 'informal' data crowd-sourced from parents, students and other concerned citizens.


Description and Constraints

The privacy and identity of those that provide crowd-sourced information must be protected.


Similar projects and Resources

Big Apple Ed: A Comprehensive Guide to New York City Schools is one example of how online tools may be leveraged by parents to inform decisions for their children's education


What next and Sustainability

This tool will need to be hosted online and publicized.

A platform for accessing basic information (such as school name and address with enrollment openings) or submitting data via SMS texting may be considered for those who do not have convenient internet access.