Inexpensive fire alarm system

For Russian text see (Общедоступная%20сеть%20пожарной%20сигнализации).

In a large number of private houses there is no fire alarm system. Every year people die and their property suffers of fire. It is suggested to create a service of automated fire report using PCs and inexpensive temperature sensors.



There is a PC/notebook in an apartment or house with USB digital thermometer attached (such thermometers are available in stores and cost $10-20). A client application of this fire report service is running on the computer. If the temperature is rising fast and is becoming dangerous (for example, up to 60C/140F deg), the warning message is shown to the display. If no one confirms warning message, warning is reported to a firefighting service. If there are additional signs of fire:

firefighters receive automated fire alarm and arrive to stop the fire.





Critical number of users is required for system to be effective. So it is wise to start system in one large city (St.Petersburg, Russia for example) and then make it wider. System can be available for some small charge to commercial companies/small shops, which will make the system free for people.