fraud-less e-Vote

When we voting, we should trust election system, election observers. The election system must work correctly. We have to trust a lot of people, trust computers. However, people going to do a lot of things to get power and stay with power. This is a source for fraud. The elections should be verifiable, voters should be able to check that their votes counted correctly without breaking elections secrecy. The tough part, how to make election system completely verifiable while keeping the votes absolutely secret?



Issue an encrypted bulletin votes consists of two part: candidate list in different order and 2D-bar of encrypted form. If you vote and remove candidate list, it is not possible to say whom you vote for by looking on the form. You will see just a marked choice.


Usage example

You get the random voting form, make a choice, mark it, separate candidate list and choice form. Shred the candidate list then scan the choice form. This will be our encrypted vote. Nobody can tell how you voted. It is our receipt. You may take it home and after the votes ends, you may check vote on the web site to see how it was counted. Or use Android/iPhone app to scan 2D-bar and check it online from you phone.



Weakness of proposal is possibility to throw the votes.